Fay and Ray are committed Christians and go to church every Sunday at Easter and Christmas, but they don’t like it much because of the people.

Fay does a lot of voluntary work and Ray contributes to environmental concerns. He is a shareholder in a South American deforestation project. There’s enough rain without rain forests making more.

They have adopted a red-faced spider monkey in Colchester Zoo. He’s called Zombie.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

An Exotic Cocktail Recipe

Ray's old friend, Peter Benjamins turned up out of the blue last night. Ray always called him 'Pete' for short. It's not his real name, but he doesn't mind and thinks it is a bit of fun. He calls Ray, 'Raymondo' and me 'Wa-Hay'. Those aren't our real names. We wish he would call us 'Ray' and 'Fay' like everyone else (but not always in that order - most people say 'Fay' and 'Ray'. Ladies first!! But 'Pete' will insist on his bit of fun, and who are we to stand in his way!

'Pete' shared his favourite cocktail recipe with Ray. (I didn't have any - I'm off cocktails). It's unusual in that it's a Guinness Cocktail. Here's the recipe:

Guinness ('Pete' usually allows ten to twelve tins or bottles per person)

Open the tin or bottle of Guinness (whatever you have) Pour carefully into a glass. There! A Guinness Cocktail for you to enjoy. Repeat until speechless.


Fay XX

Friday, 21 January 2011

Let's Go Away!

Fay and Ray are excited about booking this year's holiday.


It looks like lots of fun and for some reason is very cheap.

Shalom everyone!!!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

We're Being Followed

Looks like we have another so-called "Follower", or "Storker" as Fay likes to refer to them (mistakenly).

This one goes by the name of "Jelly Rice". Oh for goodness sake!

So. We're being 'followed' by two half men/ half women; a half man (or lady)/half motorbike; Ben Peter (whoever he/she is); likewise "James and Maggie - who look fairly normal, but probably aren't at all one bit; and now some sort of a queer Chinese dessert.

It's not so easy having a blog, looking over your shoulder the whole time to see if you're being 'followed'.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Reasonable Spirit

The Bray's have done all Christmas shopping done (apart from a few silly things) but heard on the wireless today they said the MINIMUM price for vodka will soon be £10.71 per litre - for health reasons. Fay & Ray are very concerned about good health and the environment and would love to get a few bottles at this price in case anyone comes round.

Where, oh where can they get some, please? Certainy not Tetbury's, their local so-called Independent Convenience store, or indeed any of the out of town hyper-markets in the Waveney Valley area - they've looked already this morning, driving to them all bright and early to beat the crowds. Ray has a day off sick with this horrible cold. He's been very queer

Fay's been nursing him with a flannel and some Germolene, where he's repeatedly rubbed his poor nose on his pillow.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Fay and Ray's World Politics

Well, they're having an election in Sudan to split the country in two. Fay and Ray take a keen interest in so-called World Affairs and see that many people are exercised over what the new countries should be called.

What a kerfuffle!

It's obvious the new countries should be called 'Sue' and 'Dan'. These are lovely names and should put a stop to all the arguing, argey bargey, and name calling. Not to mention torture, rape-as-a-weapon-of-war and genocidal tendencies displayed by so many of the Sudanese people with guns, bullets, knives, cigarette lighters, choppers, pick-up trucks (probably not insured), ropes, snappy dogs and sticks.

If only Fay and Ray were African leaders. There wouldn't be two-thirds the trouble there is.

Hats off to the Sudanese. Why have one country, when you can have two!

Good luck, Africa.