Fay and Ray are committed Christians and go to church every Sunday at Easter and Christmas, but they don’t like it much because of the people.

Fay does a lot of voluntary work and Ray contributes to environmental concerns. He is a shareholder in a South American deforestation project. There’s enough rain without rain forests making more.

They have adopted a red-faced spider monkey in Colchester Zoo. He’s called Zombie.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Fay and Ray's World Politics

Well, they're having an election in Sudan to split the country in two. Fay and Ray take a keen interest in so-called World Affairs and see that many people are exercised over what the new countries should be called.

What a kerfuffle!

It's obvious the new countries should be called 'Sue' and 'Dan'. These are lovely names and should put a stop to all the arguing, argey bargey, and name calling. Not to mention torture, rape-as-a-weapon-of-war and genocidal tendencies displayed by so many of the Sudanese people with guns, bullets, knives, cigarette lighters, choppers, pick-up trucks (probably not insured), ropes, snappy dogs and sticks.

If only Fay and Ray were African leaders. There wouldn't be two-thirds the trouble there is.

Hats off to the Sudanese. Why have one country, when you can have two!

Good luck, Africa.

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