Well, they're having an election in Sudan to split the country in two. Fay and Ray take a keen interest in so-called World Affairs and see that many people are exercised over what the new countries should be called.
What a kerfuffle!
It's obvious the new countries should be called 'Sue' and 'Dan'. These are lovely names and should put a stop to all the arguing, argey bargey, and name calling. Not to mention torture, rape-as-a-weapon-of-war and genocidal tendencies displayed by so many of the Sudanese people with guns, bullets, knives, cigarette lighters, choppers, pick-up trucks (probably not insured), ropes, snappy dogs and sticks.
If only Fay and Ray were African leaders. There wouldn't be two-thirds the trouble there is.
Hats off to the Sudanese. Why have one country, when you can have two!
Good luck, Africa.
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