Fay and Ray are committed Christians and go to church every Sunday at Easter and Christmas, but they don’t like it much because of the people.

Fay does a lot of voluntary work and Ray contributes to environmental concerns. He is a shareholder in a South American deforestation project. There’s enough rain without rain forests making more.

They have adopted a red-faced spider monkey in Colchester Zoo. He’s called Zombie.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

"Busty Blonde"?? Surely Some Mistake?

Apparently, there is a "Busty Blonde In A Corset" set to "wow" the so-called "X Factor" so-called 'judges'.  {where they got their law degrees is a mystery to us - probably from the International Network for twenty five American Dollars payable to a bank in Honduras.}

Anyway, Fay and Ray Bray want to make it quite clear that the "Busty Blonde" Faye [spelt with an 'E' you'll notice] Bray is not in fact the brunette - but no less buxom - bespectacled Fay Bray.

Furthermore, Fay (without an 'E') would never desport herself in a state of undress on National Television, although there may be some so-called CCTV footage of Swanage town centre, where Fay did in fact run along the High Street in a state of undress on Liz's (third) hen night in 1992 after approximately fifteen pina coladas, three bottles of red wine, a pint of draught Guinness and an egg nog chaser after accepting a five (£5) pound dare from a Spanish waiter, which is still outstanding. Unlike the £45 (forty-five) pound fine she received from the less than amused Swanage Magistrates Court three weeks later.

So, although Fay like a bit of cheese and a dance, it is not the Faye on the television, so no so-called paparazzi outside Bray Towers, please.

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